Thursday, April 16, 2009

One Fine Day - Mouse Style

Once upon a time in a century long long ago there lived a little mouse named Jenny. The mouse loooove loooooooove looooooooooooove to eat cheese. The princess of the castle tried daily to leave the little mouse a healthy and hearty swiss cheese sandwich on rye bread with a glass of no sugar added apple juice. Another mouse who lived in the castle was very jealous that he did not get the same treatment as Jenny mouse did. He was also upset that Jenny would not give him the time of day and wanted desperately to go out with her. Jenny mouse only wanted to eat healthy to be sure to live a long prosperous life.
One day the chef saw the mouse and realized what the princess was doing. Of course the chef prided himself in his kitchen and would not nor could not conceive the idea of a mouse running around. The chef waited for the princess to put the sandwich out for the mouse the next day. When he saw the princess was far in the field playing he took the sandwich and put it on a wooden mouse trap. The little mouse came out and went for the sandwich on the trap -she had never seen anything like this and just thought it was a special plate the princess was using. As soon as she stepped on the trap it snapped and the little mouse was stuck.
Jenny saw her life flash before her eyes. She could barely breath but wondered what was the pumping sensation behind her. Jenny turned to see the jealous mouse taking advantage of her and was appauled. The jealous mouse saw perfect opportunity to get in where he fit in with Jenny mouse not being able to move. She eventually passed out, lost all breath and died!

Moral 1 of the story - Eat what you want, you'll die anyway.
Moral 2 of the story - No matter how bad your day is, someone will always try to F*** you in the end.